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Back to School Health: Tips to ease into a healthy fall for your child!

Sep 14, 2023

As summer comes to an end, it can be normal for children to feel nervous before the big first day of school! However, there are things that go beyond nerves. Here are some overall wellness items to keep in mind with your child.

Watch for signs of bullying or trouble within the school environment. Possible signs that can indicate something is wrong include persistent anxiety, recurrent stomach aches, frequent tantrums or mood disturbances, and/or a new onset of difficulty sleeping alone. Be sure to help your child feel comfortable discussing situations such as this by providing a supportive and understanding environment while listening to their wants and needs, and seek out expert evaluation when needed.


Your child’s nutrition plays a role in how they sleep, think, behave, exert themselves, and their susceptibility to colds & flu. It is important to monitor what they eat, even when they are not in the home, such as when they are at school, and regular discussions and education surrounding healthy meal choices should begin as early as food introduction.

In general, children and adolescents should eat three meals a day, with an additional 1-2 snacks. The best beverage for anyone to drink is water!

And conventionally raised dairy products should be consumed minimally, if at all. If you suspect your child has a dairy sensitivity (presence of eczema, allergies, recurrent ear infections, tummy problems, etc.), then it is best to avoid dairy completely.

Annual well-child checks should be continued until the age of 18 years. Headaches, irritability, or ADHD-like behaviors can all be a sign of diminished visual capabilities. Be sure to get your child’s vision checked at their annual visits, and reach out sooner if there becomes a concern.


It is important to start preparing your child for the transition from summer time to school a week or two before school starts, beginning with setting new bedtimes & re-establishing morning routines. Most children do not get enough sleep for their age, and when there is an abrupt change, such as with the beginning of the school year, it can almost feel like jetlag! That means probable mood disturbances, fatigue, lowered immune system, and more.

Children (and adults) often lose sleep due to use of electronic devices right before bed. Screen time should be discontinued at least one hour prior to bedtime, and TVs should not be in the bedroom. Instead of electronics before bed, encourage your children to read a book, as this will promote relaxation and drowsiness!

Sleep requirements by age according to the AASM:

  • Pre-school (3-5yo): 10-13hours/night
  • School-age (6-12yo): 9-12hours/night
  • Teen (13-18yo): 8-10hours/night

If you suspect your child needs a little extra support regarding their social, emotional, or intellectual abilities, be sure to start the conversation with their teachers about their individualized needs before the start of the school year.

And lastly, a good multivitamin is essential for all children to support the demands of rapid growth and development. Be sure to buy from companies with good reputations and quality control measures in place!

Cheers to a happy, healthy school year!”